The effectiveness of the control

Technological advances have been decisive for the control of the cardiovascular system. A concrete example is that of impedance cardiography or ICG.
Statistically equivalent system to thermodilution for the measurement of cardiac output but provided in a totally non-invasive , accurate and economical way for diagnosis.
The ICG offers reliable monitoring to improve the management of care for patients with:
Congestive heart failure
It provides real-time and continuous information on cardiac output, cardiac power index, total peripheral resistance, left ventricular systolic function, and chest water.
The measurement is obtained in a few minutes from the application of 4 skin sensors.
How does impedance cardiography work?

The application of ICG (electrical bioimpedance - TEB) technology determines CO by measuring TEB variations during the cardiac cycle.
2 electrodes are connected on the root of the neck and 2 on the chest. In the child placed on the head, neck, middle axillary and thigh.
A low voltage, alternating and at the same time safe, undetectable high amplitude current is introduced through the outermost sensor pair, and the voltage is sensed through the internal sensor pair. The difference between the introduced voltage and the detected voltage is the amount of resistance (impedance). The resistance (or impedance) to the current in the chest changes with the amount of blood in the aorta. ICG measures these changes over time as a volume waveform similar to a blood pressure waveform.
This technology has the advantage of being non-invasive, is an independent operator method and is capable of stable measurements in both vertical and supine positions.
Non-invasive hemodynamic monitoring using ICG allows for the implementation of hemodynamic optimization strategies in low or intermediate risk surgical patients, or patients undergoing diagnostic and / or therapeutic procedures.
It can allow for real-time monitoring during an interventional procedure. or cardiocirculatory changes during drug treatment.
Various screens help the operator follow the patient:
Bar Graph : This report lists parameters, abbreviations and observed values plotted against normal ranges to facilitate immediate recognition of outliers. the normal values are automatically calculated by the devices once the patient's anthropometric data has been entered.
Trend : the parameters selected by the user are plotted over time to show trends, and can follow the evolution or involution of the patient
Patient Report: The device displays summary screens of the patient status. All devices can export data in the most common formats for careful offline analysis or storage in a folder.
What are the advantages ?
- Mobile
- Accurate and consistent results
- Easy to use
- No side effects
- No harm to the patient
- No special preparation for the exam
Clinical Applications?

Evaluation of the most common heart disease is always very difficult due to an incomplete understanding of the pathophysiology of heart failure, misdiagnosis, suboptimal use of evidence-based therapies, and lack of clinically useful, accurate and consistent means of evaluating one's own cardiovascular physiology in real time.
ICG allows to evaluate the cardiovascular status. Provides easy-to-read data on the interrelationships between cardiac power and vascular resistance to evaluate a patient:
- Acute and congested
- With heart failure
At this point the management of pharmacological dosages becomes easier.
Clinical indications:
Early diagnosis of shock states
In-depth evaluation of hypertension and heart failure states
Support in the room during operations
Post-operative monitoring
Management of the drug, intended as control of the pharmacological dosage
Control of the maintenance of neonatal cardiocirculatory homeostasis (monitoring also of premature neonatal patients)
Predictive system with respect to the increase of fluids and early diagnosis of the possibility of onset of acute decompensation states.
Our line of devices with ICG technology
Leader for the measurement of cardiac output in newborns (including premature babies from 500g) and in pediatrics
ICON is the first and only battery operated portable cardiac output monitor, only 750 grams, which can be used for continuous monitoring, periodic checks on multiple patients in ICU, post surgical follow-up and transport.
The underlying technology is impedance cardiography integrated with the brand new Electrical Velocimetry (EV) algorithmic system: The observed sharp increase in conductivity is attributed to the alignment of red blood cells leaving the aorta with consequent peak acceleration during systole. This algorithm guarantees the reliability of ICON, for the measurement on neonatal anthropometric parameters and consequent physiological dispositions, and makes it very e ective in critical situations.
MEDIS- Cardioscreen 1000 USB
USB patient cable, containing the technology, con fi gurable on a Windows PC or tablet with the speci fi c CardioVascular LAB software. Makes hemodynamics portable or can be combined with the bed.

ICON SCREEN version!

MEDIS- Cardioscreen 2000 Professional
HEMODYNAMICS 24 parameters in continuous.
Module connected to a Medical Panel PC and optionally installed on a trolley, it is the most complete system, it can be con fi gured with: ICG, external ECG, SPO2, NIBP, Pulse Wave Velocity
A module present in the Cardioscreen 2000 allows to measure the speed of the aortic impulse wave (PWV): an integrative indicator of the cardiovascular risks associated with a reduction of the Windkessel function and consequent increase in the load on the heart