The ONLY one to identify CORRECTLY
your syringes

In line with Joint Commission International and SIAARTI
Respect all the requests of
"Good clinical practices"
Totally customizable on the needs of the department
Example of a label and a complete "Therapy Strip".

Create complete labels with all data for drug identification and traceability

How do you identify your syringes? We do it .. WELL.
What are the risks we face?
We are a company that for many years has been dealing with consultancy and the organization and prevention of clinical risk concerning the administration of drugs in syringe, syringe pump or infusion, especially in special departments such as intensive care, intensive care, neonatology and operating rooms.
According to the recommendation of the Italian Society of Anesthesia and Resuscitation SIAARTI , all syringes and infusion systems must be identified with a color code and with the name pre-printed in block letters of the molecule name.
Furthermore, according to the indications of the Joint Commission International , the name of the patient, the concentration, the dosage when due, the name of the prescriber and the operator who administers, the route of administration and any dilution should also be included on the label.
These systems allow to increase the level of safety in administration from the first use by totally excluding manual writing from the routine and guaranteeing a standardization of the administration process and its traceability .
Being entirely developed by us in Italy, the systems are open to interfacing with hospital IT systems already present in Italian hospitals and with future ones.
They can bring advantages to the hospital such as insurance savings and greater Legal Protection both for the hospital and for the staff, guaranteeing traceability of the work performed .
How much does a hospital administration error cost?
This system is quick to install and easy to use. Thanks to its customization, it adapts in a few minutes to the workflow of the hospital departments, thus REDUCING the risk of errors immediately.
Compared to other much more expensive and complex automated systems (with which it can also be integrated in the future) LABELKIT EXPRESS is less expensive and easier to use to obtain an almost immediate risk reduction.
What does Labelkit Xpress allow us to do?
Print labels with SIAARTI recommended color code
quickly create custom labels based on existing templates
print the name, surname, patient ID, date of birth and age on the label
concentration, dosage and dosage of the drug
date and time of preparation and expiration date
the operator and / or operator identifier
print the 2D barcode on the label for quick and safe reading from enabled devices
create customized drug categories by department
register the prints made for quick reprints
schedule therapies for the following days
create pre-set lists (protocols) of drugs
trace the operations carried out
report drug and patient limits, warnings and allergies.
significantly reduce the risk of therapeutic error when preparing and administering drugs.